The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

I want to search the up--
I want to go up-- Can I go upstairs?

If you must,
but would you make it fast?

We've had enough excitement
for one day.

Mrs. Kensington, you know
Alfie and I would never--

Lotte, of course not.
What are you doin'
in my mother's closet?

Well, hello.
You're one of those grubby little
private detectives, aren’t you?

A private eye, they're called,
a shamus, a gumshoe.

Oh, I'm-- I'm a grubby little
insurance investigator.

The private eyes are romantic.
I- I-I'm just grubby.

So what? You always get your kicks
fondling women's shoes?

Once in a while I'll fondle
the whole woman, you know--

Hmph. You have a fresh mouth.
I'm not sure I like you.

Well, I tend to grow on people.
We could meet later, and I could
grow on you, if you like.

You don't seem tough enough
to go after criminals.

Really? Maybe if I slapped you around
a little bit, you'd change your mind.

- I could slap you back.
- It's starting to sound like fun.
Should we put some music on?

- Why are you snooping around?
- You're Laura Kensington, right?

Yeah, that's right, and I have a
strawberry mark on my thigh to prove it.

- Would you like to see it?
- Maybe later when
I can take the full tour.

Huh. My fiancé
might not appreciate that.

- Yes? Which one?
- Oh, so you follow my life.

Well, I read the tabloids,
if that's what you mean.

So you've seen photos of me
diving into public fountains.

And getting arrested for speeding
and throwing champagne at El Morocco.

And while I'm out living the
fast life, you're hard at work
snooping in people's closets.

Can I help it if they
pay me by the clue?

- Did the burglar leave any?
- He didn't leave any
because he's still among us.

- Says who?
- Says the little man
that lives inside me.
