The Day the World Ended

-I'd like time alone with him.
-This is my office--

This is my office too. Thank you.
Can l get a break here?
Let's trade. I'll give you
the comic book back for your name.

Okay? So who are you?
Benjamin James McCann.
Do you like " Ben"?
I'm Dr. Stillman.
I saw you outside on the crosswalk.
Did you see me?

So you like comics?
My favourite are Twisted Tales
and early issues of Alien World.

You read number six,
The lnvasion Begins?

-I love how in the end--

-I want to find out for myself.
-All right.

So it's aliens for you?
No skateboards or dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are aliens.
Aliens brought them here.

They couldn't survive in this
ecosystem and went extinct.

Who told you that?
-Why'd you hit that kid?
-I didn't hit him.

Well, he beat you up pretty bad.
What happened?

Want me to call your mom?
Okay, l'll call your dad.
