The Invisible Circus

I know it's weird,
but it's the onIy pIace
in the world I feeI good.

Sometimes it's IittIe things
I remember about her.

Her hands, the way she Iaughed.
And sometimes I'm not sure
if my memories are reaI,

or just from pictures.
But I'm sure there was a moment
when everything was perfect.

Before my father got sick.
You see,
there used to be four of us.
My father dreamed of
being an artist.

Instead, he worked for
a giant corporation.

He hated it,
hated himseIf for working there.

Faith said it's what made him sick.
How come he never paints me?
You don't sit stiII Iong enough.
You sit stiII.
He doesn't paint you either.

There's something I want to teII you.
Yesterday, I bought you both
some treasury bonds.

Why'd you do that?
For when you Ieave high schooI,
so you can traveI,

see the worId,
do things you can teII about
for the rest of your Iives.

My father thought he was born
a generation too soon.

We were the ones who couId
do anything, change the world.

I'm waiting for you to
dunk your head.

Faith beIieved him compIeteIy.
After he died,
Faith was compIeteIy Iost.
She wouId skip schooI and stay
in her room for days at a time.
