The Invisible Circus

She jumped high, high, high.
She touched the sky, sky, sky.

She didn't come back, back, back
tiII the Fourth ofJuIy.

I'm going to teII you
a secret, okay?

WoIf and I are going to Europe.
Remember what Dad
was teIIing us about?

TraveIing the worId?
Living Iife?

Let me give you this,
to wear untiI I get back, okay?
So you don't forget me.
You okay?
Yeah. I just wish
you guys weren't going.

Know what? Before you know it,
we'II come back.

What'II you do when I'm away?
You shouId write me poems
about the sadness in your heart.
-I have it in my bag.
-You sure you have it in your bag?

-But what's this, my darIing?
-That's a passport.

-Your piIIow and toiIet paper.
-I can't carry aII that.

-Know what European toiIet paper is?
-I'm not a cameI.

I forgot the camera.
European toiIet paper
is tougher than American.

-Your first postcard.
-Thank you.

I haven't even Ieft the country.
Read the inscription Iater.

I promise to send you one
every day tiII I get back.

-Make sure I do that, okay?
-I wiII do that.

I Iove you! Read my postcard.
Bye, Faith!
Love you!
I Iove you!
