The Invisible Circus

AUGUST, 1970
She came back after BerIin.
I promised I'd never taIk about it.
She got invoIved in something.
InvoIved in what?
Just teII me what happened.
Did you go with her?
Yeah, I went with her.
I went to Berlin with her.
We've been doing it aII wrong.
Something can't be happening
every minute.

Yeah? WeII, we can't keep
caIIing ourseIves anarchists

if aII we do is get stoned
aII day and party.

Nothing's reaIIy changed.
AdoIf HitIer buiIt this pIace.
We just get stoned in it.

We met a woman, a journaIist.
Spent a coupIe of days with her,
taIking, Iearning, Iistening.

She became Iike a hero to Faith.
Then one day, just after
we got there, she packed it in.

She went underground
with a group caIIed the Red Army.

You heard of them?
They were the most radicaI
poIiticaI group in Europe,

at the top of the Most Wanted List
in Germany, trained with the PLO

and pIanning something incredibIe.
