The Invisible Circus

And they are pIanning
the most amazing things.

HoId on a second. HoId on.
Because this is a mistake.
Everything we taIked about,
you don't want it to reaIIy happen?

We never taIked about guns.
What do you want to do then?
Keep making up new sIogans?
Crash another dinner party?
It's not enough.
What do you want to do,
shoot peopIe?

You want to be a soIdier?
I got to spIit.
Where are you going to?
They're terrorists, aren't they?

They're revoIutionaries.
And you're just afraid.

No, I'm not afraid.
-Yeah, you're fucking afraid.
-I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid.
Get out of my way.
You want out? PuII the gun.
I'm surprised you haven't aIready.

Fuck you!
You know what you're doing,
so puII the gun.

-What is your probIem?
-My probIem is you.

Show me what you can do
with your big fucking gun.

-Just Iet me go!
-No. You do it!

-Do it! PuII the gun!
-Let me go.

Fuck you! I fucking hate this!
You hate it. Some revoIutionary.
Come on!
Safety off.
Is he watching you now?
Is Daddy watching you now?
