The Last Castle

In 1 70, there was nothing here.
The original prison was built
by prisoners. I want to show--

I want to show you something
I found the other day.

Oh, here it is.
You see this?
’Private A.J. Beck, 1 91 2-1 923.’
Now why do you suppose
Private Beck--

What do you think he was doing,
building his own prison?

- How the fuck do I know?
- Well, I don't know either,
but I can make a guess.

My guess is he wasn't
building a prison.

My guess is he was
building something else.

They may have told him to build
a prison, but, in his own mind,

he was raising walls
to protect himself.

My guess is he was
building a castle.

That's a castle?
Yeah, it could be. Could be.
- If somebody rebuilt it.
- How we supposed to do that, sir?

How are you supposed to do that?
I don't know anything about walls.

Why don’t you ask pri--
Ask Aguilar.

His dad’s mason.
[ Inmates Cheering ]
[ Hysterical Laughter]
