The Lost Empire

Advertising possibilities are intriguing:
Come visit the Evil Emperor's
Chamber of Death.
All Mr. Harding cares about is money.
So don't take anything
he says personally.

God knows, he never does.
The warriors, they seem
practically alive.

sometimes I'm afraid to turn my back
on them...pretty silly, isn't it?

Psst. That's him.
It's too late. This world is doomed.
Kwan Ying!
Goddess, is there still time for
the Scholar to fulfill his destiny?
Yes. I must find a way to gain his trust.
He is our only hope.
And who is that?
A famous Chinese god...
the Monkey King

Why is he trapped underneath
that rock?

It's a long story
and in "Journey to the West"
which is the book that tells
of Monkey's adventures...

...he joins forces with Pigsy...
...who basically eats his way
through the whole adventure...

and Friar Sand, who is sincere,
but not a lot of laughs.

And these three defeat scores
of monsters

to bring Buddha's sacred scrolls
back to China.

Sorry. Hello?
Who? Tonight?
Okay, tell them I'll meet them
at 7:30 at Cho Sen.

Well, in the modern world we all have
to make a killing don't we?

So I'd become the cowboy capitalist
in the wild, wild East...
the Westerner with connections
who could make deals happen...
Back in college, my greatest joy
was studying Chinese literature.
And imagining I would lead expeditions
to discover ancient manuscripts.
But that was long ago...
