The Lost Empire

Now, that wasn't too hard,
now was it Scholar?

Oh...two dozen to one.
Pretty tough odds...for them.

Who wants to see that again?
Next, a little number I call Panic Time!
You ready to take that message
back to your leader?

Behind you! Scholar!
Get our of here!
Don't ever do that again!

Haven't you learned anything?
Well you haven't taught me anything.
I showed you.
Showing is not the same thing
as teaching.

Can't you see we're talking?
Monkey King.
You dare show face to one that
has sworn to destroy you?

Prince of Confusion
you are the spitting image
of your father.

I can only assume your mother
was just as ugly.

How is the old man, anyway?
Still in two pieces, thanks to you.
Before I do the same to you, tell me:
who enlisted the Imperial soldiers
to fight for a bottom-feeder like you?
Oh, you're back.
