The Lost Empire

If you can't help him, find someone else.
It's time for us to go, Scholar.
There's someone I want you to meet.
For us to defeat Shu
you must be trained by the very best.
It's not far...just over these mountains.
Why are we walking?
It looked like flying was
making you nauseous.

He's the greatest teacher
under the Celestial Skies.

He can instruct you in the
seventy-two transformations

how to fly
somersault on clouds...the good stuff.
His name is Patriarch Subodhi.
And he was my teacher.

You're introducing me to your teacher?
I'd like to see how good he really is.
It used to be a lot nicer.
Does anyone still live here?
He's a hermit. Where's he going to go?
Shih-fu! Patriarch Subodhi!
It is I, your most gifted student!
Sun Wukong, the Monkey King!
Powerful voice...hairy face?
Monkey? Is that really you?
Yes, I have come to pay my respects
to my great Shih-Fu!

Maybe we picked a bad time.
You wretched simian!
Didn't I tell you never
to show your arrogant face
around here again?
