The Lost Empire

:40:01 were the most talented
pupil I've ever seen.

Yet you wasted your
precious knowledge

in pursuit of selfish glory!
Okay, wait...wait. You don't get a lot
of news around here, do you?

Ah...what use is news?
I seek only knowledge,
which does not change.

Yes, okay, when I left here,
I a...

An ass?
But later, I achieved great feats of virtue.
I was blessed by Lord Buddha himself.
Now go home.
You have never helped anyone
in your life but yourself!

You arrogant monkey.
That description could also have fit you
in your own youth
Honored Patriarch.
I was beginning to think
you would never call.

:41:09 favorite goddess.
Great Immortal, Monkey
speaks the truth.

You mean...
Yes. For his good works
he really was blessed by the Buddha.
No kidding.
Forgive me for my lack of faith...
though in his case

you have to admit it was
pretty understandable.

Now Monkey brings you
this human for training.

I'm afraid I'm a little out of practice
at this Holy Master business...

But you are the best.
What happened to your temple?
Oh...I've been in a bad mood...that's all.
