The Lost Empire

Can you stop for one minute
thinking about

dead Chinese people?
Linda, I'm sorry.
I'm just really swamped right now.

So what else is new?
Hey, c'mon. Give me a break, will you?
I've got this insane deadline for
the book, I'm up for tenure next...

I thought you might want to know that
I've fallen in love with another man.
What? Who?
Does it really matter?
You might have figured it
out for yourself

if you'd been paying any attention at all.
Hey...Nick I'm sorry. I gotta go.
Yes. Your heart was once broken.
But broken hearts can be mended...
and lost souls can be saved.
Do not give up, Nick.
For even their bunker
Shu and the Five Demons stand on the
brink of destroying the sacred book.

And only you can defeat their plans and
save the human world from destruction.
Thank you for granting me
this audience.

Couldn't the Prince of Confusion
have sent an emissary...

more important than his Fourth Wife?
Is this how he thanks us
for giving him the Monkey Kingdom?
Masters, my husband no longer
rules the Monkey Kingdom.

He's been overthrown? The idiot!
We told him, ruthless repression
is the only way to run a nation.
No! Sun Wukong, the Monkey King
