The Lost Empire

Free! At last!
Free! I'm starving!
Do you think we can find a place
where they'll let us eat
before we wash up?

People always admire
my table etiquette.

Pigsy! Friar Sand!
Brother Monkey!

My old comrades! It's Pigsy and Friar
Sand, from "Journey to the West"

Still thinking about your stomach?
Great Sage Monkey, don't make fun!
I've been on a very strict diet
for the past five hundred years!

I always believed that if anyone
could rescue us

it would be you!
Oh, yeah, yeah. Hello, hello hello
can we eat now, please?

That human will pay the bill for us.
It's not easy to go on diet
for 500 years.

When you killed those serpent demos
it broke the spell on the mountain
where the Masters had imprisoned us.

So...who is the human?
And does he like persimmons?

He is my student.
Poor fellow!
:20:05 are supposed
to be my comrades!

Yes, that is why we tell you the truth.
What do you know anyway?
You never even achieved Buddhahood!

I could've! If I'd only been able
to control my appetite!

Gods, gods...settle down.
Do you always get along this well?
The human is right.
Now that you're here, you must join us.
We are travelling on orders
from Kwan Ying.

Kwan Ying? Will we get
to spend time with her?

Excuse everyone down here
in love with Kwan Ying?

She has sent us to rescue
"Journey to the West"
from the Masters.

So the Scholar From Above has come
at last...where is he?

I'm looking at him.
I think you need our help.
He doesn't look like a Scholar.
He's all we've got.
If we three heroes reunite once more
our mission will surely succeed!
Yes. I pledge my allegiance.
