The Lost Empire

This is great...this is just great.
We're seconds away from victory
only to be outdone
by legal maneuvering.

Nick, please..
Your world is no better than mine!
I'm afraid immortality is no guarantee
of good character.

The masters can't possibly
win this case, right?

I mean, my world's about to
slip into the dark ages...

doesn't anybody down here care?
Except for the goddesses of my order
no spirit may travel to the world above
without permission from
the Jade Emperor.

Most beings have not even seen
your world in millennia...
they do not understand the harm
But why would any Immortal want to see
"Journey to the West" destroyed?

Well, you did
Never mind about that
Well, you see...some of the other gods
do not think so highly of Monkey.

Hmrph. They call me arrogant.
Can you imagine that?

We're screwed
The Jade Emperor believes Author Wu
should have final say over the fate
of his manuscript.

But Wu's been brainwashed!
Deep down, Wu can't really want
to see his book destroyed.

If I could get to him somehow, maybe
I could talk some sense into him.

You could disguise the Scholar
with a spell.

But...that would be using my powers
for deception.

Vows are made to be broken
No... I, I can not make an exception.
Not even for him.

What's eating her?
