The Lost Empire

This must end
And saving the book? Is that over, too?
I cannot get you in to see Author Wu.
That would be a violation
of heavenly justice.

Who's brainwashed?
Is that your idea of justice?

"Journey to the West" was the first
Chinese book I ever read.

Before that, I was like most Americans...
China didn't mean anything more to me
than Charlie Chan or Fu Manchu.

But when I began to read
about this Monkey,

who broke all the rules and
pissed people off,

but did it
with a higher purpose and
a sense of honor...

it made me feel like I could do
something with my life.

And that's what I want to tell him
We'll be back after dinner
Yes, Master. I will have tea for everyone
Why do I have to stay?
Can't we just lock him in?

Master, I promise
I will not show my wretched face outside
Absolutely not!
Up here, the air itself is filled
with sinful temptations.

Ah, come on, you!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Slow down!
Hey, this is wild! I can fly..
Oooh. And whatever you do,
stay off the dog dooty!
