The Lost Empire

Thank you, Prime Minister
All rise!
Our business today is the case of
Shu Chung-Shing and the
Five Traditional Masters

versus the Scholar From Above
concerning the fate of this manuscript,
entitled "Journey to the West".

Are you all right?
I guess...I think...I think it's something
I ate. Yes...excuse me.

You called?
There you are!
Yeah, look...I'm starving!
No matter what I eat,
it don't do any good!

Perhaps this might help you, Pigsy?
Yes! Thank you, thank you!
I've never been so hungry in all my life.

Oh, are familiar
of course with my classic books
of timeless wisdom?

There's a wonderful saying
in volume twelve...

or is it volume forty-seven?
I will read them all..
Confucius says, "You scratch my back
...and I'll scratch yours".

I need a bit of information...
about the human.

But why, Your Majesty?
Why do we seek to destroy
this obscene book?
