The Lost Empire

Are you mocking me?
Yes, I'm mocking you!
I want to know how the Masters...
found out about the Scholar's past!
That's what I want to know!
I want to know that too...fur-face
Sister, there's talk of demoting you
to a mere Immortal.

I do not care
What does it mean to be
a Goddess, anyway?

Spending eternity helping others
but the one time I feel something
for myself...

everyone turns against me
Nicholas Orton only came down
here to help us.

To help me.
I would rather speak the truth,
no matter what it costs me.

Goddess, don't..
I can not help it, Sister. I love him
You have spoken the words...
which must no be uttered.

And so, Heaven accedes to the wishes
of the book's author

"Journey to the West" will be returned
to the Traditional Masters

who may complete their efforts
to destroy it.

The human, Scholar From Above,
will return immediately to his own world.

All hail to the...
Hold on, Author Wu!
Stop him!
