The Lost Empire

We have come to restore traditional
values to your world!

"Traditional values"?
You mean like the 1950's?
No, you idiot!
I mean, traditional traditions!
Upon which all civilization was built!

Before that was invented.
And before we knew people
like you even existed.

So where's your menagerie, now?
Give up, Shu.
This place will be swarming with
the Emperor's troops in no time.

Take a note: reinstitute slavery...
it makes people so much more polite
Confucius has make six ordinary
prisoners in our images.

By the time that false Emperor
finds out we've escaped,

we'll be ready for war...
with humans as our front-line troops.
Now, return the manuscript
I don't see it anywhere, do you?
Master Shu! Something glowing!
It's the the university!
So...these barbarians are of
no further use to the revolution.

Now, go back to where you came from!
Everyone out!
We'll retrieve the manuscript.
Then come back for that human.

Modern buildings...Hah!
