The Lost World

Promise me you won't do anything rash.
We have triumphed over our enemiesl
I promise.
Gladys, I wish you all the happiness
in the world. I really do.

We need not fear the Ape Men any morel
We shall kill them now...
And thank you.
...and clear the forest forever of their stink.
They must diel
Mr Hare, would you describe yourself
as the heroic type?

Heroic? Me - Lord, no.
More the solid, plodding, boring sort.
Still, it seems to be what Gladys wants.
"The Conversion of the Savages
to the Ways of Christ",

- Why is it "The Challenger Expedition"?
- Have you seen Agnes?

Agnes. I don't think she's coming.
She's finding London crowds a little daunting.

by our old friend, Father Luis Mendoz.
Handsome chap, hmm?
Father Mendoz is "the father
who watches over them".

The stories tell of how he left them
but they always knew he'd come back.

- What IS in that damned box?
- You'll see.

- Their ancestors found white men.
- The survivors of the Portuguese expedition.

They were nearly dead.
(CHALLENGER) Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Their people brought them here,
and they married women from the tribe.

Ask him how they got up here.
Not so very long ago,
I stood in this same hall

- The way down is no longer open to them.
- What does he mean, "no longer open"?

and announced that creatures once thought
to have been extinct for millions of years

still roamed the Earth.
Well, I was branded a fraud and a liar.
