The Majestic

-Found me.
-Sorry. I didn’t know who was here.

Just me and the dog.
-What’s his name?

-Simple. I like it.
-Come on in.

-Is that you? In the first World War?
-Yeah. 1917, thereabouts.

-It’s okay with you that I live here?
-Why wouldn’t it be?

Just checking.
Think I’ll get me a watch?

Right, the watch. What’s that for?
So I make sure the shows always start
on time. That’s important.

-I’ll see what I can do.
-Thank you.

I had me a nice watch once.
The pocket watch kind, with a chain.
Kept good time until it broke.
Never had the money to get it fixed.
By then, the theater closed down,
I didn’t think I needed it.

I put it away somewhere
for safekeeping.

But that was years ago...
...and I can’t remember where.
Lost me a medal for bravery once too,
back during the Great War.
