The Mexican

And if he does sit naked in
his garage soaking in gasoline
lighting matches, I don't care.

What concerns me is he was hired
in the first place.

-Are you with me?
-Geez,Jerry,you really met him?

Oh, my God!
Hey, old Ted is not gonna
let anything happen, okay,Jerry?
I'm here.

Thanks, Ted.
l feel perfectly safe.

Bell On Door Jingling]
- I no fuck around. Comprende?

Gun. Gun. Loaded.
Bang, bang.You, dead.

Do you have
a speech impediment?

-Give me the fuckin' gun.The pistol.
-The pistol?

-You know what I'm talkin' about.
Let's go!
-The pistol?

Okay, all right.
What's your name?


Just do like the man says.
We'll be out of here
before you know it.

- The pistol, please.

Thank you.
Excuse me.
I got it.
Come on. Go.
Got it.
Just have a seat right here, amigo.
Geez!Jerry, have you
lost your mind?

What were you
talking about on the phone?

-Jerry,will you put the gun away?
-Was it to off me?

Is that what you two
were discussing,to off me?

-Jerry, I would never--
-Go ahead, deny it. Go ahead.

-Go ahead!
-Okay, Okay.

Jerry,that's what he said.
So you were lying to me
when you said that I would
walk away from this.

- No,Jerry,that's what he said.
-Then you're lying now about
him telling to off me.
