The Mexican

I just hope Jerry's
not stupid.

Unzipping Suitcase]
What is he driving?
It's a funky rental.
Look, I know we're all
a little grouchy right now.

We'll get something to eat,
you'll get the pistol and then
we'll all go our separate ways.

- Really separate ways.
- Now, don't start, Sam.

You know what. Shut up.
I'll start because I have the right.

Why do you do that?
Do not tell me to shut up.

- I count here,Jerry.
- We had an agreement, remember?

-Shut up.
-Why don't we all
shut up a little bit?

- I swear to God, I will crash
this fucking car right now.
-Jerry, don't do that.

I will. One more word
out of you.Another word, Sam.
One more word.

- I swear to fucking God.
- Naugahyde.

-All right.

-Are you finished?

- You gonna shut up?
- Yes,yes,yes.i

Jerry, I will, I will!
