The Mummy Returns

Remember that bank job
in Marrakesh ?
Bank job ?

It's not like it sounds.
Uh, it's exactly
how it sounds.

I'm flying high,
hiding in the sun.

The white boy here
flags me down, so I fly in
low for the pickup.

The next thing you know,
I get shot !

I'm lying in
the middle of the road
with my spleen hanging out,

and I see him waltzing up
with some belly dancer girl.

Belly dancer girl ?
lzzy, I think
you and I should talk.

As long as I don't get shot.
Quit your whining.

You're gonna get paid
this time.

O'Connell, have you looked
around here any? Huh ?

What do I need money for?
What the hell
am I gonna spend it on ?

I'm gonna keep this short.
My little boy is out there.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to get him back.

[ Muttering ]
O'Connell, if you give me
that gold stick there,

you can shave my head,
wax my legs
and use me for a surfboard.

Didn't we do that
in Tripoli ?

Say, by the way,
when did you... lose your eye ?

Oh. I didn't.
I just thought it made me
look more dashing.

Come on.
Get to work.

You're not exactly
catching me at my best.

Oh, I'm sure I am.
[Horse Whinnying]

I knew it.
I'm gonna get shot.

These are the commanders
of the 1 2 tribes
of the Medjai. Horus !

[ Whistling ]
- Ah. Pet bird.
- My best
and most clever friend.

He will let the commanders
know of our progress
so that they may follow.

- [ Speaking Arabic ]
- [ Repeating Phrase
In Arabic ]
