The Musketeer

Thisman isa moment
from his death ifyou
don'tput downyoursword!

What do I care about
some old man?

I thinkyou do care.
- Why did you come here?
- I wanted to watch.

- I will kill him!
- You'll be dead before you do.

Well, I'd love to see how
all ofthis turns out,

however I have
a long ride ahead of me.

You have an interesting fighting style.
Where did you acquire it?

Here and there.
Perhaps there.
Certainly not here.

When you bury Darcy,
I wouldn't be too concerned
about a cross.

He wasnot a man
consumedby religion.

Ifyou survive, don't try
these heroics in Paris.

You will not last the day.
When you pass the entrance,
would you send
six of my men back?

- Six men?
- Well, that should be
enough, don't you think?

[ Chuckles ]
He doesn't have men outside!
He's-- He's bluffing.

Let him go now.
He doesn't mean
much to me.

However, he is a friend
ofthe men outside.
They will not be merciful.

I see you have been
making friends again.

Why didn't you do anything?
He was no match foryou.

[ Chuckling ]
This was your test,
not mine.

- Hyah!
- [ Whinnies ]

Why are we stopping?
[ Speaking Spanish ]
