The Others

- "Afterwards... "

"He ordered them
to be beaten.

"But Justus and Pastor,
far from being afraid...

"rejoiced and showed themselves
willing to die for Christ.

"when he saw this...
"the Roman governor
was filled with rage...

"and ordered their heads
to be cut off. "

what do you find so amusing?
well, what?
Those children
were really stupid.

Because they said
they only believed in Jesus...

and then
they got killed for it.

And what would you have done,
deny Christ?

ANNE: well, yes.
Inside I would have
believed in him...

but I wouldn 't have told
the ROMANS that.

Is that what you think, too,
Nicholas ?

I see.
So you would have lied
to the point of denying Christ.

You 'd have saved your heads
from the ROMANS, that's true.

But what would have
happened afterwards ?

when ?
In the next life.
The one waiting for us
after we die.

where would you have gone ?
where, Nicholas ?
To the children 's limbo.
GRACE: what is
the children 's limbo, Anne ?

one of the four Hells.
which are ?
ANNE: Me, me, me! Me!
GRACE: No. Let him answer.
which are ?

There 's the Hell
where the damned go...

then there 's Purgatory...
And the bosom of Abraham
where the just go...

and limbo where children go.
At the centre of the earh.
where it's very, very hot.
That's where children
go who tell lies...

but they don 't just go
there for a few days.

oh, no.
No, they're damned. Forever.
Think about it.
Try to imagine
the end of eternity.

Close your eyes.
