The Parole Officer

Uh, right, listen.
Could I just say something?

If you attack me, I will go to the police.
It'll be reported.
You'll have a criminal record.

You've got one. OK.
In my wallet, I've got... £40!
That's 20 each.

Plus a cash card.
It's got a £200 limit,
of which I've withdrawn 40.

You've got that. Now, the PIN number.
It's the Battle of Hastings.

Oh! Oh, my God!
Oh! Oh, that really hurt! Oh, oh...
- Oh, shit!
- Bloody hell!

(Paul) Where is he?
- Oh, Gordon Bennett!
- (Burton laughs)

I dunno. No sign of him.
(Man on radio)
'Good morning, Manchester. It's 8:00.

'A man out walking his dog
made a gruesome discovery

'when he came across a headless
corpse on the Stockport Canal.

'Police urgently seek the owner of
a wallet found near the body... '

Hello, my name is Simon Garden.
I'd like to report a murder.

Erm... I know I look a mess.
I, uh... I slept rough last night.

I got punched in the face
by a man with a stick.

Fell off a roof into a canal.
Actually got a condom
stuck on my finger.

(Chuckling) Eugh.
