The Parole Officer

(Electrical sparking)
(lnaudible over music)
Ladybird to Praying Mantra.
Ladybird, receiving you.
I'm a mile away and I can still hear you.
OK, now try five miles away. Over.
Even if we can break in,
what do we do about the getaway?

I've got an idea about that.
Now, on Friday, stay away from
the target area until rush hour.

- Any questions?
- Why is the protest on a weekday?

- For maximum disruption.
- Bollocks!

If we had it on a Sunday at 12 noon,
outside the West Clyde Bank,

there'd be a bigger turnout.
- Yeah, some of us have to work.
- Yeah!

- The city's empty on a Sunday!
- We'll reclaim the streets.

- For the kids!
- Friday, 5:00. It's been decided.

- Who decided?
- The committee.

- Bollocks!
- Some democratic organisation!

- Yeah! Yeah!
- It is.

The elected committee votes and
we abide by the committee's decision.

- Bollocks!
- Gonna let him push us around?

- Tell him we're not sheep.
- We're not sheep!

- Tell him to put it to a vote.
- Put it to a vote!

- A good idea!
- (All agreeing)

All right. All those who want the protest
