The Pledge

This is eight years ago
when this happened.

I'm on the job only six months
when this very big deal goes down.

Talk about baptism by fire.
And to top off everything else...
:46:08 was in the summer season.
"Politics of tourism"
and all that nonsense.

So we all feel the pressure to make
the bogeyman of it all disappear.

The brass were pretty clear
in the presumption...

...that it was one
of those festival-goers...

...which seemed like, you know,
a pretty good bet.

And a good way to diffuse
the kind of panic that you get...

...when they feel that there's
a bogeyman amongst them.

So we all figured...
...and I do feel accurately,
that's why we never did catch him.

The odds were on a perpetrator...
...who'd cleared the county
before the body was ever found.

Look at the slit in that neck.
I don't know, but for me...
