The Pledge

How you doing, chief?
Scared of this thing?
Let's get it out of the way then.

Who you talkinq to, chief?
You got those little voices
in your head?

-You a policeman?
-Yeah, l'm a policeman.

-l want to be a policeman too.
-You do, huh?

Policeman drive me here very fast.
Drive me fast.

-l'm just a trapper.
-We don't need this.

l trap beaver today.
Fifteen pounds or 25. . .
. . .or 35, something like that.
Maybe 80.

You mean beaver or you mean ''beaver''?
-Beaver? Pretty, young pussy?

-l don't know you joking me.
-You think l'm joking?

-l don't know.

l'm not joking you.
So you catch beaver, huh?

Yeah, l--
-Yeah, l catch beaver.
-You catch beaver? Little girl?

You catch little girl today, huh?
You rape little girl?

ls that what you did?
l rape, l rape.
You raped her, huh?
He could be talking about the
other rape, the one on his record.

We got positive l.D. from the kid.
This is a small town.
Just let him do his job.

Tell me about the qirl.
You rape a little girl today?
lt's okay.
