The Point Men

Doctor, if you don't mind.
Doctor, if there's the slightest problem
we'll call you.

Thank you.
Tony, I'm sorry,
but we have to debrief you.

-Can you talk?

Do you have a clear
understanding of events?

The two men that were following you...
...when did you first notice them?
When it was too late.
And Hauser?
Arrested, in jail. He's okay.
If you were better at following procedure
your partner wouldn't be dead...

...and you wouldn't be lying in the hospital.
You put together
a fucked-up bunch of foreigners.

-A regular foreign legion.
-It wasn't him.

Who wasn't him?
Amar Kamil.
He was saying the same thing
on the plane on the way home.

Why do you think it wasn't him?
His eyes.
They were terrified.
He was so scared.
This is bullshit.
We already have a positive I.D. on Kamil
and that is no longer an issue.
