The Princess Diaries

then I wondered how I'd feel...
after abdicating my role
as Princess of Genovia.

Would I feel relieved
or would I feel sad?

And then I realized...
how many stupid times a day
I use the word "l."

In fact,
probably all I ever do...

is think about myself.
And how lame is that...
when there are 7 billion
other people on the planet--

Ooh. Sorry.
I'm going too fast.

But then I thought...
if I cared about
the other 7 billion out there...

instead of just me...
that's probably
a much better use of my time.

See, if I were
Princess of Genovia...

then my thoughts...
and the thoughts of people
smarter than me...

would be much better heard
and just maybe...

those thoughts could be
turned into actions.

So this morning
when I woke up...

I was Mia Thermopolis.
But now...
I choose to be forevermore...
Amelia Mignonette
Thermopolis Renaldi...

Princess of Genovia.
[ Applause ]
I hope you didn't order
your stationery yet.

This was my very first tiara.
I was rather fond of it.
I'm hoping you will be, too.
Oh. Grandma,
but you had it already.

How did you know
I'd even be here?

Because I recognize
the same spirit in you...

as someone else I know.
