The Shipping News

Keen powers of observation.
I can see why Jack snatched you
off the job market.

(phone rings)
(chair squeaks)
Gammy Bird.

Right on to it.
Well, Quoyle, you
lead a charmed life.

Two minutes on the job
and you got
your first car wreck.

As far as I can tell,
the site is really fresh

about 10, 15 minutes,
uh, at the most.

You got two victims--
one male, one female.

Not one vital sign between them
so we're gonna wait
till the police come now.

Uh, the rate of speed
we estimate at 65

so there's
nothing unlawful here.

There's not a whole lot
you can do, right

when a moose decides
to get in your way.

That's for sure.

Uh... the driver
most likely
had his chest crushed

before the car hit the water,
so at least that's a mercy.

Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, there's that,
and the-- and the moose

you know,
which is a gift really

when you think about it--
out of season

like that--
a moose that size.

Oh, Lord, yes.

Billy, I suppose
we could split it

four ways, right?
(shutter clicks)
How much could you
fit in the station
wagon there?

I'll take
the hind quarter.

I know we're
gonna want to use

some of those recipes
from the "Home Page,"
you know?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

He's new, is he?
New fella.
There you go.

It's wrecks like that
that sells papers.

Oh, Jack knows his readers.
Now, mind you, there's more
people down under these waters

than are killed
on the roads.

You'll want to get yourself
a nice little boat before long.

Something that fits
the water.

I just don't want
to think about a boat right...

Wh-Who's that?
Oh, I... I was just curious.
I've seen her around.

She's very tall.
I... I mean
she... she's got good posture.
She seems very...
her stride
is different.

It was grief that caused her boy
to be not right.
