The Wash

I'm calling
the motherfuckin' landlord.

- They turned the water off.
- You gotta be motherfuckin'joking.

I'll call this landlord
and see what's happening.

Francis residence.
May I help you?

This is your tenant
from apartment 1 3.

Apartment 1 3.
- Dee Loc.
- What may I help you with?

We're having technical difficulties
with our water system.

- The shit ain't workin' no more.
- Yes.

You gave us a three day notice,
why the water ain't on?

Go and check and see
if it's working now.

Hold on.
No, the shit ain't working.
Which means I can do
what I want to with my water.

Hey, nigga, you ain't got to be
acting like that.

I told you we gonna
pay the motherfuckin' rent.

Yes, I do. You're running up
my water bill and not paying rent.

- We gonna pay the rent.
- When?

In two days, nigga.
In two days,
you'll get your water back on.

- Hello?
- Forget about it.

- He's already hung up.
- Bitch!

Baby, I got to pee.
- I don't care if it flushes or not.
- Oh yes, you do.

You can't go in there.
That shit's ugly.

I'm gonna bust a bag
holding it for so long.

I'm sick of this shit.
What are we gonna do about it?

We still got
a couple of days, right?

I got my half
of the rent right now.

Why don't you pay that shit
since you're ballin' so tough?

"I look like
""Boo-boo the Fool""?"

- You said we got a couple of days.
- Yeah.

We got a couple of days, then.
Grab your shit.

We're going to your spot.
Gonna get the shit cozy.

Look at them roaches, dog.
Oh, it's like that, huh?
Good morning, asshole.
