The Wash

"Y'all don't know me at all"
"I say the same thing
but slower than y'all"

"A little Southern charm
to top it off"

spit, boy"

"Y'all don't know me at all"
"I say the same thing
but slower than y'all"

"A little Southern charm
to top it off "

"Okey-dokey... "
"Y'all don't know me at all "
"I say the same thing
but slower than y'all "

"A little Southern charm
to top it off "

"Okey-dokey. "
Hey, bulangiule!
Nu stiu sa inot!
Nu stiu sa inot!

- Calmeaza-te, omule!
- Da, am facut-o!

Ati putea sa ma ajutati sa spal masinile!
O sa-ti spagr curu ala mare si negru intr-o zi
pentru ca te pui cu adulti, negrule!
Violenta asta intre negrii trebuie oprita!
Taci dracu'!
Vere, asta e unul din modelele alea 310.

Asta asa e.
Numarul, va rog.
Oh, rahat.
- 5.
- 5.
- 5.
- 3.
- 7.
- 5.
- Patr'.- Inca o data.
Inca o data.

" Like a Cadillac Humvee "
