The Wedding Planner

- E aici ?
- Mda.

- E aici ? El e aici ?
- Massimo.

- Nu se poate.
- Dumnezeule.

Of, Doamne.
Îl mai þii minte pe Massimo ?
I-a prins bine noroiul ãla !
Ultima oarã când ne-am vãzut
erai urâtã ca naiba ...

... ºi aveai un cap prea mare
pentru corpul tãu !

Ce frumos din partea ta.
Mulþumesc !

Cu plãcere.
Parcã ºi vãd deja viaþa noastrã împreunã.
Vreau 3 copii
ºi o grãdinã cu roºii.

Bine atunci.
Roºii ? Roºii ?
Maria, aºteaptã.
- The kid who ate mud?
- That's the one!

I bumped into him on New Arrivals Night
at the Sicilian Association.

Why, this is the most
wonderful day of my life!

A man of my very own!
- You must bring me to him at once.
- No need.

- He's here?
- Yeah.

- He's here? He's here?
- Massimo.

- No, he didn't.
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.
You remember Massimo?
That mud did him good.
The last time I see you,
you were scrawny and ugly...

and your head was too big
for your body.

How nice. Thank you.
You're welcome.
