Thirteen Ghosts

Dr. Martin!
Eddie Thomas and Gwen Harrison:
America's sweethearts.
God, they were great.
Made my job cake.

l did the press for all nine movies.
Six did over $1 00 million.

They were on top of the world.
Then she blew it by dating
that Spaniard.

-Did you cut this?
-No, Chad in marketing--

Always take credit.
That is survival rule number one.

Okay, l did it on my Mac.
Rule number two: Don't take credit
until someone says they like it.

lt's not bad.
l hope this isn't too awkward for you.
l'll never fill your shoes.

l know.
Kingman's in the screening room.
He wants you to see something right away.

Please remind Mr. Kingman
that he fired me last week.

And then invite him
to kiss my undercarriage.

You'll want to see this, Lee.
-Hello, Dave.

-Thanks for coming.
-Why am l here?

l'm just confused. You did fire me
last week, so why am l here?

-To see the new Weidmann film.

Eddie and Gwen's last movie.
You've seen it? All of it?
How is it?

Would you roll that, please?
Be the first to see what only
l have seen. As a friend.
