Thirteen Ghosts

The woman by the pool?
-That's why l'm here.
-What do you mean?

-Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm are rocking out.

Kiki and Eddie left.
-Why'd you say that?
-lt's code. lt's fun!

l wonder what she wants.
l don't know what she wants.
lt'd be good to know.

l know what l want.
Siegfried and Roy
are heading for the pool.

-Siegfried and Roy?
-Not the real Siegfried--

You wanted to play this game.
Heads, we stay apart.
Tails, we reunite.

-You need to flip a coin?

Here we go. One, two, three.
-A possum.
-A possible possum.

Wait, not here.
Felix, this is Oscar.
The monkey is in daycare.

Your mystery date awaits.
Wish me luck.
l'm sorry. l'm so sorry.
l know you'll never forgive me,
but please, please take me back.

That a gun in your pocket
or are you just happy to see me?

Actually, it's a gun.
