
Each of us puts two hundred doIIars
a year away in savings.

No, no, no. High-yieId mutuaI fund.
AII right, the Iast man standing at
the end, gets the whoIe pot.

I'm taIking 1 0, 20 grand!
That's a Iot of money.
Yeah. And you're out if you go gay,

Hey, bIow me.
AII right, Gary's out.
I'm in. Tomcats' bet.
Let's get in here.

Come on, get in here!
I'm going to invest some money, okay?
Tomcats! Tomcats!
You guys are going to pay me so bad!
I don't ever want to get married.
I don't!

I do.
By the power vested in me...
:08:55 AIIah and the state of

...I now pronounce you...
...husband and...
...wife, my friends.
Okay, Iove her tender.
Love her tenders. PIease.
Rock the jaiIhouse.
Every singIe woman, come to the center
of the aisIe...

:09:22 you can catch the fIower

-AII the singIe Iadies.
-Where are you going?

-Let's go, pIease.
-Sit down.

Thank you very much.
You went down, my man!
Down Iike a 2-doIIar hooker!

Boom! You're out! You suck!
Tricia's great, though.
No, I'II teII you who's great.
Jan here is great.

What's our bacheIor pooI up to now?
As of Friday, about 475.
Man, that's haIf a miIIion bucks!
