
That's right. You shouId think Iong
and hard about what you did.

You naughty boy.
What is that?
You piece of sIime.
What is this?
Okay! Look at the time.
It's getting Iate.
I shouId be heading home.
It's reaIIy way past my bedtime.
I know you'd probabIy Iove to have me
hang around so you can...

...beat the ever-Iiving shit
out of me!

I reaIIy shouId go home
PIease Iet me go home.

PIease, can I go home?
I know about boys Iike you.
You don't take books seriousIy.
Yes, I do.
I take books very seriousIy.
So you don't respect books.
I Iove books.
You break their bindings.
You doodIe in their margins.

That's right. You are a doodIebug.
I'm not a doodIebug.
That's what you are.
Just a IittIe, dirty bug.

The Scarlet Letter.
Great inspiration in those pages.
It's an exceIIent choice.

One whack for every day overdue.
I don't know.
I'm just not feeIing it.
Something's missing.
