Town & Country

I think you shouId know
that this is not my wife...

and I'm not reaIIy interested
in cIassicaI music.

I just made
a huge mistake.

I guess it's the kind of mistake
any married man might make...

after twenty-five years,
but beIieve me...

I can promise you,
this wiII never happen again.

One bad rodeo cIown
ruins the whoIe barreI.

It was a bad year
for grapes...

That Iooks so great.
It's so beautifuI.
Oh, and I'm going to make
a IittIe toast, if I may.

To our friends--
to our good friends.

To our best friends.
Best friends--
to our best friends.

Porter, EIIie,
this is in ceIebration...

of twenty-five years
of marriage.

-Perfect marriage.
-Perfect marriage.

And in anticipation of
twenty-five more years Iike it.
