Town & Country

-I can't beIieve it.
-Who was it?

I don't know.
I don't know.

I don't know, honey.
YoIanda, couId you just
heat that up for me a IittIe?

-Thank you.

-YoIanda's new boyfriend...

-When did AIejandro move in?
-The day after you and Mom Ieft.

He's a good guy, Dad.
And why is AIejandro
not wearing a shirt?

WeII, that's what he's used to--
Iiving in the jungIe and aII.

Living in a jungIe?
I'm just curious.

Why wouId he be
Iiving in a jungIe?

Because that's where
his group Iived.

His group?
I don't understand.

-Is that botanists or something?
-No, his poIiticaI group, Mom.

-EI compaƱeros de Ia muerte.
-''The companions of death?''

That's coIorfuI.
They pIan to overthrow
their government...

and estabIish a regime of
democratic ideaIs...

and crop sharing.
And no better pIace to start
than right here on Fifth Avenue.

CentraI Park has aIways needed
a good crop-sharing program.

That's reaIIy
fucking funny.

Dad, did you see HoIIy's stud?
-HoIIy's stud?
-Show him, HoIIy.

-Isn't it great?
-Let me see.

You ever worry
about swaIIowing it?

Yeah. ActuaIIy I did twice, but
I got it back.

How--how did...
You know,
it's been a Iong day.

I'm just gonna pack it in.
Me, too.
Honey, I'm just--

No, no, no. Omar has something
he wants to say to you.

ReaIIy? You do?
That's wonderfuI.

Mizz, Misserrr...




WeIgoom hone.

Huh. Hone. Home.
WeIcome home.
