Town & Country

Oh, it's this Indonesian thing.
LittIe pieces of
meat and fish...

sort of jammed together
on a stick.

Oh, good, good.
I hate IittIe pieces of meat
and fish jammed on a stick.

Sweetie, it's not for you.
It's for the design conference
peopIe from Japan. Remember?

What are they coming
out here for?

They want to see my design,
and they want to meet everybody.

Oh, my gosh!
Get away!
Get away from her!

Are you aII right?
Oh, my God!

Don't worry.

Oh, my God, I'm sorry.
Oh, my God. Here.

Are you OK? Come on.
Why don't you go inside.

Come on, girI.
Get over here. Come on!

Weathered shingIes.
DoubIe-hung windows...
HeIIo! Hi!
WeIcome. Hi.
I'm thriIIed to introduce you
to my son and my daughter.

This is AIice and Tom.
Thank you.
Anyway, I'm sure everybody
must be hungry.

I think your handyman
just feII off the roof.

He did what? Oh, my God.
Oh! Oh, no, no.

Oh, no, he's fine.
That's Porter.
