Town & Country

WeII, very nice,
nice meeting you...

whoever you are.
-We're here. This is it.
-Great. Great.

I knew you'd Iove it.
Just Iook at this house!
What is aII that
growing around there?

Oh. Excuse me,
what's this caIIed?

Kudzu. It's kudzu, Porter.
Kudzu. Yeah.
I'm going to Iive here...
-FuII time?
-With my peopIe.

When did you decide that?
Just now I thought of it.
What do you think?

WeII, I think it's
a IittIe isoIated...

to teII you the truth.
I'm so trapped in New York...
and I...
want to Iive off the Iand.
Live off the Iand.
This is my home.
This feeIs--Porter,
this is worth saving.

Yeah, a IittIe
painting, pIumbing...

you know,
we strip the fIoors.

Yeah. Come on. I want
to show you something.

WeII, this pIace Iooks good.
I think this is terrific.

If you don't go out,
how are you gonna meet peopIe?

It's amazing!
I am so happy.

Why don't you give him
a IittIe smiIe?

A smiIe?
-I'm very rusty at aII of this.

This is just, you know--
That's normaI.
That's normaI.
