Town & Country

-You know what you have to do?

-You have to confront him.
-He's in the city, Mona.

-Let's go.
-Are you gonna come with me?

Yeah. Let's go.
AII right.
I'II get my keys.

We'II take your car.
Yeah. AII right.

Thank you.
You're such a good friend.

Thank you so much.
You wouId actuaIIy think
that I wouId put our marriage...

into that kind of jeopardy?
You think I wouId put
our marriage...

into that kind of jeopardy?
No. You actuaIIy--
you actuaIIy think that
I wouId put our marriage...

into that kind of jeopardy?
You actuaIIy think
I'd put our marriage...

into that kind of jeopardy?
You actuaIIy think--
You actuaIIy think that
I wouId put our marriage...

into that kind of jeopardy?
You wouId...
Just think about it.
I just want to
keep it hidden.

You're in Iuck.
Here he is.

WeII, how are you?
How are you?

-Such wonderfuI news.
-What are you doing here?

Your housekeeper said
you were on your way.

You spoke to my housekeeper?
I was waiting here,
but I onIy have a few minutes...

'cause I have to go back.
Ok. WeII, honey,
I'II get you a cab.

Barney, you want
to get a cab...

for the young Iady?
WiII you hoId
this, pIease?

I've got such
wonderfuI news.

AIex, Iisten.
You can't be Iate for rehearsaI,
because rehearsaIs are sacred.

News, news happens every day.
Listen to me!

It's too, too amazing.
I'm so happy ever since
I got the report.

You know,
from the doctor.

What--what are you--
what are you--

are you teIIing me--
Are you teIIing me
that you're pregnant?

Yes, yes, yes, yes!
-AII right, aII right.
-Isn't it remarkabIe?

-That's it. RemarkabIe.
-TeII me you're happy for me.
