Town & Country

-FIy fishing?

You never fIy fish
with anything aIive.

Dead worms.
What are you gonna be
doing for HaIIoween?

Where are you fishing?
-The river.

Did you ever consider
getting a spinning outfit?

Maybe for HaIIoween, huh?
-How deep is this river?
-Not very deep.

So, do you want beetIes,
ants, or wet nymph?

Wet nymph?
Yeah. You know,
a bug in its nymph phase.

It fIoats to the surface,
hatches, dries its wings...

fIies into a bush,
crashes into the water...

Iays its eggs and then dies.
-Oh, my God.
-Where's the maIe?

MiIes away.
WeII, isn't that
a famiIiar story?

Your pumpkin.
This is EIIie Stoddard.
I'm not in, or I'm asIeep.
Leave a message.
EIIie, it's me.
Pick up, wiII you?

WiII you pIease pick up?
I need to taIk to you.

AIice, don't even
think about it. AII right?

I need to taIk to you.

Goes Iike this first.
HoId stiII. Got it.
HeIIo! Up here!
Hi. Remember me from
the pIane to Mississippi?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure.
My name's Eugenie.
Eugenie CIaybourne.
Porter. Porter Stoddard.
Yes, I know.
Porter Stoddard.

This is my friend Griffin.
Why don't you come see me?
I'm at the Iodge.

Oh, I don't
get into town much.

I reaIIy need to see you.
I have something very
important to teII you.

What about?
What do you--

Watch it, watch it.
You aII right?
Oh, I bruised myseIf
on the rock.
