Training Day

Five sets of problems.
You could be six.

I ain't holding no hands.
You got today to show me
what you're made of.

You don't like Narcotics,
get the fuck out of my car...

...get a job chasing bad checks.
You hear me?

-I hear you.

Why do you want to be a narc?
To serve my community by ridding
it of dangerous drugs.

Right, but why a narc?
I want to make detective.
Stick with me, you can do it.
Unlearn that academy shit.
Don't bring that here.
It'll get you killed.

I'll do anything you want me to do.
My nigger.
Roll your window down. Start there.
-Got to hear it, smell it, taste it.

How's your Espanol?.
Learn that shit.
That will get you killed.
They plot all kinds of shit
behind your back.

You gonna teach me that
old-school Rodney IKing shit?

We don't roll like that no more.
Now we use this.
These niggers are too strong.
-Think I'm crazy?
-I don't know what to think.


Been married long?
-About a year.

-You got a kid?
-A girl, 9 months.

I got four. Boys.
You need a son,
I'll hook your lady up. Can't miss.

Can we not talk
about my family, all right?

I respect that.
