Training Day

Smell like bacon!
Do I look like a sucker to you, nigga?

Fuck you, rookie!
Go fetch, dog.
You want me to....
Oh, come on, man, it's....
Give me a break! Hey, you! Slow up!
Come on, stop!
Police officer! Police officer! Stop!
Come on, man!

Give me a break! Shit!
Get out! Get out of here
or I call police.

Police officer, ma'am, calm down.
I said stop! Stop!

Get the fuck off me. Fuck off.
You're making this so much harder!
Just calm down!

You love this shit, huh?
Hey, man, hey!
Pick him up!
Civil rights violating motherfuckers!
-Watch the fucking legs, man!
-Pick his legs up.

Ain't got nothing better to do
than fuck with me, man? Shit!

Who you working for?
I ain't work for nobody!
I'm on disability!

Shit! You know you cracking.
I don't sell no more.
-No rocks?
-No rocks.

-But I found this.
-No, you don't.

That motherfucker planted
that shit on me.

Put me in the front seat,
I'll whup his ass!

Who you working for?
Told you I don't work for nobody, man!
