Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

"Spuneti-mi Ishmael."
Va rog sa va luati corpul aflat in pericol...
dincolo de limita proprietatii mele.
Voi numi moartea dvs.
Prematura autoaparare.

Well, at least you got a business.
JACK: Body language says it all.
RUSK: Does it say l could use a cold beer?
JODl: What will it be?
RUSK: Miller Lite.

JACK: Yeah, we still don't have cell towers.
You can use the pay phone.
Outside it's CBs and walkie-talkies only.
RUSK: Charming.
You guys weren't serious
about making us move out, were you?

Unless we can catch one of them,
we may have no choice.

lt kind of seems like a small operation.
l mean, to catch one whole graboid.
We don't have much of a budget.
lt's not a high priority in Washington.
