
Gina was taken to the camps.
Z ygmunt is back from Treblinka.
Z ygmunt. . .
. . .it's Mordechai.
Can you tell us what you saw?

Collect yourself. . .
. . .and tell us.
Children, women. . .
. . .by the thousands. . .
. . .gassed to death in showers.
They can hide everything. . .
. . .but not the stench of the dead.
This is the map of a camp of death.
This is the map of Treblinka.
And the people pleading
for their lives with this scum!

This scum!
I want their blood on my hands.

We know that Adam Czerniakow
has committed suicide.

We now know that
300,000 Warsaw Jews. . .

. . .have been sent to Treblinka,
a death camp, or simply murdered.

For now, deportations have ceased.
When they resume,
we will no longer submit.

We're going to respond
with armed resistance!

We must use this time
to root out traitors. . .

. . .acquire weapons,
prepare our plan. . .
