
. . .would have believed it.
Even in the ghetto,
people had trouble believing. . .

. . .Treblinka was a killing center. . .
. . .just as we're still dealing in our
own country in late September 2001 . . .

. . .trying to come to terms
with, how could this happen?

The biggest obstacle
that Zuckerman and Anielewicz faced. . .

. . .as leaders of the
Jewish fighting organization. . .

. . .was trying to convince the rest
of the Jews within the ghetto. . .

. . .that their life was in danger.
When the first action started. . .
. . .we sent out Z ygmunt
to follow the train.

Near Treblinka,
railroad workers told him. . .

. . .there are trains with people coming
but they're returning empty.

There are no transports of food,
no wells are being dug. . .

. . .and the camps are silent.
What the Germans couldn't hide
was the smell.

This couldn't be done.
They could hide everything
but not the smell.

This was impossible.
So, what he saw. . .
. . .were trains going in,
going out empty. . .

. . .and the smell of burnt flesh.
In just 7 weeks...
...265,000 people are deported
to their deaths at Treblinka.

The 60,000
who remained in the ghetto...

...are without illusions
as to what the Germans have in store.

I didn't see for me any chance--
Not for me, for the Jews in general. . .
. . .the possibility to survive.
That means that what you can do. . .
. . .is choose the way
you are going to die.
